Friday, March 16, 2012

Some of my Favorite Blogs

Hey girls,
So while online today I found some awesome Christian blogs similar to mine and wanted to give you some more resources:

here they are!

And also don't forget to check out my friend Loren's blog Dancing For Jesus

You do not have to become followers or even check all of these I know all these websites could be overwhelming but you should definitely go on a few.I follow them all! Have fun in our blogging community:) and please please follow, like, comment, add to googol plus, tell your friends, anything to get my blog out there:)

Love you all your beautiful!



  1. Hey, sweetie! Thanks for subscribing to my blog blog AND for putting my link up there^! :) I've started following your blog, I think I'll share it on my promotional Friday post next week! :) Oh, and you entered a giveaway on my blog. I forgot to make the instructions more clear :P {sorry!} In order to have different entries, you have to write a separate comment for each entry. Like:
    I jogged {1 comment}
    I jogged {1 comment}
    I followed your blog {1 comment} And so on.... :)
    I hope I didn't confuse you, and I hope you can re-enter! :)

    1. I will change it haha thanks. I was tired and didn't really get it but I will re-enter. It would make my day if you could post about my blog. Or subscribe.... thanks sooo much!!!! I have been reaching out to my fellow Christian girl bloggers because I think if we could join together we can get the Lords word out to more people. Also I was interested in the blog buttons. Is there any way you can design me one???? I am really not techy at all so you have free reign to design it. Just make it relevant to my blog. Thank you a million gazillion today my project is to add all my fellow bloggers buttons to my blog. If you could put the name of my blog Pray LOVE Live and my website on my button. That'd be great you can email me at when you finish. No rush thank you sooo much again!


  2. Hi Ashley,
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. It doesn't say that you are following, but I sent you an invitation via email to follow my blog. Hope you can do it. :)


    1. I am so sorry I thought I did. I will be sure to do that! I will definitely love to subscribe to you. It would make my day if you could return the favor! Thanks so much!


    2. I am following you, I think. Can you check for me?

      May i ask how you found my blog?


    3. Hmmm I am not sure but it started when I search teenage girls blog and then I found another blog that you had commented on with your website and I decided to check it out!! I am so sorry but I don't remember exactly which blog brought me to yours. So thats how:)

  3. Thank you SO much for linking to my blog, Ashley - I appreciate that and am looking forward to reading your blog in the future. =)

    1. No problem. It would be awesome if you could subscribe to me to or put a link to my blog on yours. Thank you sooooo much for reading and I will keep advertising your blog.
      God bless you!

    2. I haven't subscribed to any of the blogs I follow. I just find it easier to use my "dashboard" in order to "keep up" on all of the blogs that I follow - it just works best for me. =)

      Your kind comments on my blog meant a lot to me - thank you for that. Reading comments from readers like you makes the experience more worthwhile, so they were greatly appreciated.

      Link... sure, I can get your link up on my blog soon. I have not done a "favorite" blog post, but it could be something fun that I should think about in the near future... until then, I'll try and get your link up under my blog buttons. ;-D

    3. Thanks so much. I am having a blog button made right now so hopefully you can add my blog button by tomorrow or so

  4. Thank you so much! I would love if you'd link my blog and following me in return would be just fantabulouso(my new favorite word)!! Please check back!


  5. hey girl!! I LOVE your blog!! :) I just found it and I absolutely love good Christian blogs! (: I'm following you now! come follow me?! <3 **

    PS. feel free to email me girlfriend!<3 I love emails! :D


Thanks for commenting!! You made my day:) Keep comments Godly please and just know how beautiful you are in the eyes of the Lord<3