Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bible Stud 1: Being healthy

Hey! So this bible study is about self image and how you are made in God's image. God thinks you are beautiful no matter what but you will be a happy and much healthier more confident girl if you make some healthy choices Today we are going to talk about working out, eating right, and some resources to better help you.

Eating right tips
1. It doesn't matter about your weight

Do not worry about what the number on the scale says, make healthy choice to better your life and how you feel about yourself and remember.... muscle weighs more than fat!!!

2. Do NOOOOT starve yourselves

Some girls feel like skipping a meal or not eating as much will help them.... THAT IS NOOOT TRUE! You should eat 5 times a day; a light breakfast,  light snack, light lunch, light snack, light dinner. Studies show that when you eat more in smaller portions you burn more calories and you are healthier

3. Diet soda is still bad for you.

Girls... do you really need to drink soda?? Water is absolutely all your bodies need so why drink more than that. All soda's and most juice is very bad for you and should be the first thing to eliminate from your diet

4. Have everything in moderation.

You do not have to be so strict or hard on yourselves, as long as you have everything in moderation (which means not too much and not too little you can have that cookie but just not the whole bag of cookies. And if you are craving something sweet dark chocolate is better for you than most sweets because it provides antioxidants to get all the toxins that are infecting your body out of you!

5. God's food is there for a reason... eat whole foods

God gave us fruits and veggies for a reason so take responsibility for yourself and eat as much fruits and veggies as possible... anything packaged is probably not good for you!

6. You can create your menu!

You don't have to eat bad when you go out to restaurants, in fact you can usually order healthier options not on the menu. If your having pizza ask for whole grain crust, if your having pasta ask for whole grain noodles.  In sandwiches and salads get more veggies and less meat and for sandwiches get whole grain bread.

7. Exercise!!!

No matter what you eat you can't get healthy without exercise!!

8. Be aware of what you eat

Before you put anything in your mouth you should know the nutrition facts and make an informed decision if you actually want to put that in your body! Sometimes you will decide that a certain food isn't worth eating. For an example, you think salads and protein bars are good for you but ranch, fried chicken, bacon, and other ingredients in salads can make them as bad as a Big Mac!? And protein bars are great for energy but most are high in sugar. I get protein bars called Detour lower sugar bars and they seriously taste as good as a Snicker bar no kidding!!!

Top 10 workout moves

1. jumprope ( 10 mins of jump rope burns 100 calories)

2. plank ( great ab workout do your plank for 30 seconds to a minute)

3. running ( great fat burner)

4.push ups- I VEEERY VEEERY VERRRY VERY MUCH DISLIKE push-ups but you gotta do em:(

5. sit-ups or crunches - oh yes! the classic sit-up definitely makes my top 10!

6.dancing- just making up a dance in your room, watching a youtube video that teaches you a routine, playing dance video games such as Just Dance, or signing up for a few classes is sooo fun and a great workout!

7.scissors- to do a scissor you make a small cross with your feet and then spread them out to improve your flexibility and then just use your abs you pull them up.

8.wall sit- put your back against a wall and bend your legs like your sitting in a chair and then hold in there use your leg and ab muscles to stay there. ( I do this while brushing my teeth and it is a great way to work out while doing simple tasks) just ride your bike around the neighborhood or work out on a mechanical bike in a gym or maybe you have one at home!

10. lunges- put some 5-10 pound weights in your hands and lunge switching your legs.


Ipod app

- I love an iPod app called Lose it! it is free and it helps counting calories, fat, sugar, and protein content in your food and gives you your average calorie intake a day ( yours should be around 1,400-1,700)

This is a great ab workout video and is only 10 minutes:)

-P90x is a cool workout training video as well!

I went to a nutrition class at my dance studio once and this professional nutritionist and dancer Caroline Lewis knew a lot of little things about eating healthy here is her website

Girls Life website has a health column too which has a health tip of the day and some very helpful things nobody knows about your health. I love it!

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