Most of you don't know who King Solomon is! I didn't until I read my Bible and devotions today. I've always knew the name from the Bible but never fully understood what made this man so special. So today I am going to tell you so you can try to be more like this wonderful man of God.

That night God appeared to Solomon. He said , "What can I give you? Solomon responded to God...." Give me wisdom and knowledge so that I may lead my people.
2 Chronicles 1:7-8
Verse of the week:
This verse also kind of goes along with this and being a light through your knowledge and wisdom for God. It is...
Matthew 5:16
You should be a light for other people. Live so they will see the good things you do and will praise your father in heaven.
Today look up King Solomon and see what you can find on him. Look in your Bible, devotions, or Christian online websites! Comment and share with me and other blog readers what you found! I would love to hear from you all:)
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