Friday, March 16, 2012

Funny Dance Video of my friend Taryn and I

Hey girlies,
This is a hilarious video of my friend Taryn and I being crazy. We choreographer this dance and Taryn's moms who is a graphic designer edited it and put it all together. Taryn makes hilarious videos sometimes similar to this one on her channel so be sure to subscribe to her Youtube channel: tarynlarissa

Love you girls!,
Ash and Taryn


  1. wow!! y'all are UHMAZING dancers!!!! :D which one is you?! <3


  2. Thanks although it wasn't my best we had fun! I am the one in the blue sports bra and red shorts:)


Thanks for commenting!! You made my day:) Keep comments Godly please and just know how beautiful you are in the eyes of the Lord<3