When the Bible talks about humility I am always really confused. Like does God want us to humiliate ourselves? So today my devotions inspired me to dig in my Bible and my devos gave me some information on what humility truly means. Humility is basically being humble and knowing who you are and staying that way. Not pretending to be something you arent and staying true and having a heart for the Lord is what the Bible is talking about when referring to humility. Those who know that they are complete sinners and Jesus is a role model and no one is better than him and know the only way to get into heaven is to ask his forgiveness are showing humility. So dont act like your better than anyone because we are all God's creations and he loves us and cares about each and every one of us. Do not brag, boast, or act proud and in a higher position than anybody.
How are you doing on the challenges from last post? Keep up the good work! I am going to add another challenge also! Yay!?
Okay so in your Bible there should be a topical concordance that shows you pages where verse about each topic can be found ( know what I'm talkin bout??!) so look up humility that way or online look up some verses and post them in the comments.
I found a few verses to start you out with:)
My heart is not proud, my eyes are not haughty,I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me
Psalm 131:1
For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation.
Psalm 149:4
He mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble
Proverbs 3:34
When pride comes, then comes disgrace but with humility comes wisdom.
Proverbs 11:2
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.
Isaiah 5:21
He has showed you what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
Live in harmony with another. Dont be proud but willing to associate with people of a low position. Dont be conceited
Romans 12:16
There are so many more as I said just look in your Bible or type in verses about humility into Google and many results should be helpful! That is how I get most of my Bible verses about one certain topic. You can also look up verses about being humble because they basically mean the same thing.
Love you all!!! Be humble:)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Book Review: Lets roll (plus a cool song, and your weekly challengers)
Hey gurlys!!!! So glad i have time to post today.I wanted to review a book Im reading! It is called Lets Roll! by Lisa Beamer. Im sure you have all heard about 9/11 and the courageous people on flight 93 that attempted to stop the terrorists from attacking another world momumet and crashed the plane into a field instead. Those people I feel are huge inspirations and they are so brave to give their life to save others. I loved this book because its written by one of the 9/11 heroes wife.One of the best parts is... the family is Christian and it gives bible verses and is very inspiring. The man and family the book is about is Todd Beamer and his wife Lisa Beamer. So be sure to get this book it is easy to read and understand and I love everything about it so be sure to check it out:-)
Also thank you to Trinka from the blog amazing love and Rissi from the blog Scribbles and Such for helping me promote my blog!The links to both their blogs is on my "Other Blogs" page up at the top! Thanks to these sweet Christian girls!
I also heard a song this week I loved! It is called Love me by JJ Heller.The lyrics almost made me cry:'( It is a truly beautiful song. Please listen to this song. It will not dissapoint you and you will love it... I pretty much guarantee it! P.S. right now it is only 99¢ on iTunes.
Here are 2 videos I think one has lyrics on screen and one doesn't but you can just watch one... they are both the same song.
Challenge of the week....your in for a few challenges this week so be prepared!
1.Subscribe to my blog, follow it by email and google plus and get 5 other people to subscribe
2. Have a nice spring break and be nice to everyone! Really think that if you make fun of someone your making fun of God's creation like if you painted a picture and someone ridiculed it you wouldn't be pleased so be nice! At school,at home,with friends, and with enemies for crying out loud.
3. Buy a devotional book if you dont already have one! My favorite so far is Truth and Dare by Ann-Margret (link on side) But any girl devos are great (see my post "devos worth buying")
4. Read a book of the Bible! Doesnt matter which one just get into your Bible this week:) If you havent already read the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke,John) Also I like Romans.
Have a safe spring break and I will try to keep up with my blog over vacation.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Hey everyone! I am going on vacation soon I can't blog as often for the next 2 weeks. I will try my hardest to post before then if any way possible but if I don't blog as frequently as normal. I am OK just might not be as on top of it as I usually am:)
Love you all!! And I can't respond to your emails till Sat. so if you emailed me be patient(sadly this is my only time that I have computer access until Sat. :(!!! So hold tight but I promise I will have a new post up ASAP!!!!!
Love you all!! And I can't respond to your emails till Sat. so if you emailed me be patient(sadly this is my only time that I have computer access until Sat. :(!!! So hold tight but I promise I will have a new post up ASAP!!!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Our very first author interview:)
Hey girls,
I have been so blessed to have gotten in touch with one of my review sponsors Ann-Margret Hovsepian. Not only did she send me a copy of her book Truth or Dare devotionals to review she linked me on her Twitter and Facebook and agreed to do a blog interview. I emailed her all the questions and she directly emailed me back with her answers. She has been amazing to work with: always emails back soon and follows through with all her promises. Thank you so much Ann-Margret!!!!
Here is our interview:
1. What are your hobbies besides writing?
I have always enjoyed doing all kinds of crafts: making cards, sewing, drawing, etc. In the last couple of years I've really gotten into art journalling and learning calligraphy.
I also enjoy gardening (even though right now that just means the seven house plants I'm taking care of), reading, shopping (especially for craft supplies and vintage, antique little treasures), and spending time with my friends.
2. When did you know you wanted to be a Christian author?
I didn't! When I was finishing up high school, my goal was to be a lab technician. I thought my skills and knowledge pointed toward a career in chemistry but God obviously had other plans. To make a very long story short (which is a writer's biggest challenge), after studying chemistry for a few years and then going through a year of confusion and doubts, I got a job at a magazine. That's when I knew I wanted to work in the publishing industry, but I still didn't think I wanted to be a writer. That was about 20 years ago. Since then, I had many opportunities to work as a proofreader, editor, writer and similar jobs and all those experiences -- along with my own spiritual growth -- eventually led me to write my first book.
3. Who or what has inspired you to be an author?
God brought several key people in my life who helped me to see my gifts and talents and who encouraged me and even mentored and helped me on my way to becoming an author. Again, I never really set out to become an author -- that wasn't a specific goal, though I supposed I dreamed about how cool it would be -- but it happened through a series of doors opening and God leading me through them.
4. How do you come up with 365 devotions?
Ha! Not easy. :) I really had to dig into my Bible, first of all, to find the verses for each day. That was tough because I was looking specifically for verses that challenge us as Christians to do hard things for God. If I had just been looking for "nice" verses, there are plenty more of those. Then I had to prayerfully come up with interesting stories that helped explain the verses. I asked around a lot -- at church, among my friends, etc. -- for people to share stories with me. That helped a little, too.
5. How long does it take you to write a book?
Well, it really depends on the book... and how much time I'm given! With my first book (Designer Genes), I only had about four months to write all the devotionals. With Truth & Dare, I had more time; I think it was about eight or nine months.
6. What is your typical day as an author like?
Since I'm not yet in a position to focus only on writing books, I'm only a part-time author. The rest of the time I'm a freelance writer and editor. My routine changes a lot depending on the projects I'm working on so I don't really have a typical day in terms of a set schedule. However, there are a few patterns: I am usually up between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. (just depending on how I feel or how much work I know I have that day) and start working by 9:00 a.m. I spend the first bit of time checking and answering e-mails and even popping into Facebook to see if there's anything interesting happening with my friends. Then I get to work, and that can involve any of the following tasks: calling people I have to interview for an article, proofreading pages for a client, researching or writing articles for a newsletter I work on, etc. I also have to do boring business-y stuff such as send invoices to clients and pay bills but I don't mind that too much!
7. What do you hope girls will get out of your devotions?
My main goal is that they will discover how incredibly exciting the Bible is and how it relates to their everyday lives, even at the age of 9 or 12 or 15! By daring the girls to dig a little deeper into God's Word and then put what they learn into action, I hope that they will grow in their relationship with Jesus and start to become bolder in obeying and following Him.
8. What are your favorite books/ authors you look up to?
My absolutely favourite author has always been C.S. Lewis, and not only because of the Chronicles of Narnia. His more "grown up" books about faith and Christianity have really helped me, too. I'm also a big fan of Jane Austen and, growing up, I loved all the books by L.M. Montgomery (the Anne of Green Gables books) and Louisa May Alcott (Little Women). My favourite children's book is The Velveteen Rabbit.
9. Do you have any advice for aspiring authors/ young girls in general?
Yup! First of all: Read, read, read. The best way to become a good writer is to READ good writers. Without realizing it, your vocabulary and grammar and composition will improve.
Second: Write, write, write. Just like piano or swimming or sewing, you won't get better at writing unless you practice a lot. Write about anything. Write in a journal. Write funny stories or true stories or poems or whatever comes naturally to you.
Third: Be open to criticism and direction. The WORST mistake a writer can make is reject comments about her writing that she feels are negative. Even if you don't agree with someone's suggestions or corrections, accept them gratefully and then think about them. If you keep yourself humble, you will learn a lot more than if you think your work is always fantastic. It doesn't matter if the criticism is from an editor, a teacher, a parent, or your seven-year-old brother. Just listen to it. After all, if your readers don't like your work, what's the point?
Fourth: Don't give up! Unless EVERYONE tells you that you absolutely have no talent in writing and that you should pursue basketball instead, don't get discouraged. Most successful writers have had their work rejected by editors and publishers many times, usually just because it's not what the editor needed at the time and not because the writing was terrible. If you're really passionate about writing and the people you trust (such as your parents) are encouraging you to continue, do it.
So here it is!! Hope you enjoyed my very first direct author interview. If you are interested in letting me interview you there is more information on my "Interviews" page!!
With Love,
Ashley and Ann-Margret!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
The long awaited Truth & Dare Devotional Review!
Hey girls,
I am sooo excited because I just finished a whole week of doing my Truth & Dare: One Year Dynamic Devotions for Girls devos. This book was written by my first review sponsor Ann-Margret Hovsepian and let me start off with saying I am going to tell you my honest opinion about the book... okay here it goes.... are you sure your ready??...... I'm being completely truthful..... IT WAS AMMMAZING!! Now as I said I am going to be completely honest and this isn't just to review it good for my sponsor, it truly was the best devotion book I have read by far. It just helped me apply the devotions to my life so easily. I would wake up every morning and look forward to reading my dare and trying to complete it always and I did the dare every day! It really challenged me to step up my relationship with the Lord and instead of just reading about him I put my faith into action.Thank you for everything Ann-Margret. The book is truly one of my favorites and I am hoping everyone will go out and buy a copy.Ann-Margret also writes The One Year: Designer Genes Devotions for girls, although I have not read that one I am sure it will be good too:)
I am sooo excited because I just finished a whole week of doing my Truth & Dare: One Year Dynamic Devotions for Girls devos. This book was written by my first review sponsor Ann-Margret Hovsepian and let me start off with saying I am going to tell you my honest opinion about the book... okay here it goes.... are you sure your ready??...... I'm being completely truthful..... IT WAS AMMMAZING!! Now as I said I am going to be completely honest and this isn't just to review it good for my sponsor, it truly was the best devotion book I have read by far. It just helped me apply the devotions to my life so easily. I would wake up every morning and look forward to reading my dare and trying to complete it always and I did the dare every day! It really challenged me to step up my relationship with the Lord and instead of just reading about him I put my faith into action.Thank you for everything Ann-Margret. The book is truly one of my favorites and I am hoping everyone will go out and buy a copy.Ann-Margret also writes The One Year: Designer Genes Devotions for girls, although I have not read that one I am sure it will be good too:)
Here is a short video advertising her book
My rating is 5 stars out of 5.
Ann-Margret's other book Designer Genes Devo
Thanks everyone for reading. Please follow me and subscribe to my blog. I added a few features so it will be easier to follow me and also check out my new pages about sponsorships,interviews,other cool blogs, and charity!!
Love all my girlys,
Follow Ann-Margret's Truth or Dare page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/truth.dare.devotions.
There is also a link to Ann-Margret's website on my sidebar so check that out too:):) You can pick up a copy of her book on Amazon, Christianbook.com, Barnes and Nobles, and theres probably more!
at Dancing For Jesus Blog there is a giveaway dance video contest. SO I linked her blog on my Other Blog page so be sure to enter that contest for a gift card to iTunes or Bath and Body Works:)
A special thanks to a special blogger
Hi everyone! Did anyone notice my new design???! This is all because of a very generous blogging friend of mine. She is an amazing designer and designed my heading for free!!! Thank you so much Alexandrea Brewer!!!
Everyone you should check out her blog! The website is:
Thanks again Alexa:)
Everyone you should check out her blog! The website is:
Thanks again Alexa:)
Friday, March 16, 2012
Some of my Favorite Blogs
Hey girls,
So while online today I found some awesome Christian blogs similar to mine and wanted to give you some more resources:
here they are!
And also don't forget to check out my friend Loren's blog Dancing For Jesus
You do not have to become followers or even check all of these I know all these websites could be overwhelming but you should definitely go on a few.I follow them all! Have fun in our blogging community:) and please please follow, like, comment, add to googol plus, tell your friends, anything to get my blog out there:)
Love you all your beautiful!
So while online today I found some awesome Christian blogs similar to mine and wanted to give you some more resources:
here they are!
And also don't forget to check out my friend Loren's blog Dancing For Jesus
You do not have to become followers or even check all of these I know all these websites could be overwhelming but you should definitely go on a few.I follow them all! Have fun in our blogging community:) and please please follow, like, comment, add to googol plus, tell your friends, anything to get my blog out there:)
Love you all your beautiful!
Duct Tape
Hey girls,
I have over 200 dollars saved up for charity and I am trying to raise more. I am donating to a Christian charity World Vision, to help a family with a child who has Cancer, and to funds to help teenage girls hear the gospel. If you would like to donate that would be awesome just email me at apcgurl@gmail.com or comment and I will arrange for you to get the donation to me. 100% percent of this money goes to a charity guaranteed! I am also selling duct tape items her are the prices
Duct Tape Pen $1 plus 50 cents if you do not provide the pen
DuctTape Flower Pen $2 plus 50 cents if you do not provide the pen
Duct Tape Hairbow: $1
Duct Tape Bookmark $0.50
Other special item: prices vary from 50 cents to 5 dollars depending what you want. I have covered iPod cases and even simple stuff like scissors , a stapler, your hair brush and stuff like that. Covering your stuff in super cute duct tape is a cute way to make old things look super cute.
Tie Dye (blue and pink)
I am always getting new duct tape and sometimes running out so the colors may change
At Michaels duct tape is 5-8 dollars so if you want me to pick up ANY color you want it is 3.50 You do not get to keep the roll but I will use it to make you something. You save half the price and the trouble of going to the store and picking up the duct tape and you can pay for as many things as you ilk e using that color but as I said you do not get the whole roll of it only the items you buy using that specific color.
Comment if you want something made out of duct tape or if you want to donate: you can donate duct tape for me to make more stuff to sell for charity, or money (cash or check) for a charity. You may choose where your money goes to.
World Vision
Help Aidan Ocker (a child who has Cancer and is only 10 years old who's family is in need of financial aid)He doesn't have a website but a Facebook support page you can check out without having a Facebook account it is
Girls For A Change: A charity to help empower girls to love themselves and not care what anybody else thinks. They put on events often and change girls lives.
Any of Bethany Hamilton's Charities 2 posts before this one.
Also if you have another charity you fell strongly about please contact me with their info and if you wan to donate to any charity not listed here you can just let me know what charity and I will promote it on my blog and donate the money in your name:)
Please donate and I will keep you updated on what and who we are helping!
I have over 200 dollars saved up for charity and I am trying to raise more. I am donating to a Christian charity World Vision, to help a family with a child who has Cancer, and to funds to help teenage girls hear the gospel. If you would like to donate that would be awesome just email me at apcgurl@gmail.com or comment and I will arrange for you to get the donation to me. 100% percent of this money goes to a charity guaranteed! I am also selling duct tape items her are the prices
Duct Tape Pen $1 plus 50 cents if you do not provide the pen
DuctTape Flower Pen $2 plus 50 cents if you do not provide the pen
Duct Tape Hairbow: $1
Duct Tape Bookmark $0.50
Other special item: prices vary from 50 cents to 5 dollars depending what you want. I have covered iPod cases and even simple stuff like scissors , a stapler, your hair brush and stuff like that. Covering your stuff in super cute duct tape is a cute way to make old things look super cute.
Tie Dye (blue and pink)
I am always getting new duct tape and sometimes running out so the colors may change
At Michaels duct tape is 5-8 dollars so if you want me to pick up ANY color you want it is 3.50 You do not get to keep the roll but I will use it to make you something. You save half the price and the trouble of going to the store and picking up the duct tape and you can pay for as many things as you ilk e using that color but as I said you do not get the whole roll of it only the items you buy using that specific color.
Comment if you want something made out of duct tape or if you want to donate: you can donate duct tape for me to make more stuff to sell for charity, or money (cash or check) for a charity. You may choose where your money goes to.
World Vision
Help Aidan Ocker (a child who has Cancer and is only 10 years old who's family is in need of financial aid)He doesn't have a website but a Facebook support page you can check out without having a Facebook account it is
Girls For A Change: A charity to help empower girls to love themselves and not care what anybody else thinks. They put on events often and change girls lives.
Any of Bethany Hamilton's Charities 2 posts before this one.
Also if you have another charity you fell strongly about please contact me with their info and if you wan to donate to any charity not listed here you can just let me know what charity and I will promote it on my blog and donate the money in your name:)
Please donate and I will keep you updated on what and who we are helping!
Funny Dance Video of my friend Taryn and I
Hey girlies,
This is a hilarious video of my friend Taryn and I being crazy. We choreographer this dance and Taryn's moms who is a graphic designer edited it and put it all together. Taryn makes hilarious videos sometimes similar to this one on her channel so be sure to subscribe to her Youtube channel: tarynlarissa
Love you girls!,
Ash and Taryn
This is a hilarious video of my friend Taryn and I being crazy. We choreographer this dance and Taryn's moms who is a graphic designer edited it and put it all together. Taryn makes hilarious videos sometimes similar to this one on her channel so be sure to subscribe to her Youtube channel: tarynlarissa
Love you girls!,
Ash and Taryn
Soul surfer book review
Just finished reading Soul Surfer by Bethany Hamilton. Just one thing to say it was soooo inspirational. One of my favorite books and Bethany Hamilton is definitly one of my favorite people/ biggest role model. So yes I would recommend it!!! She is a wonderful humble Christian girl and it was so touching to read her story:)
She also some a cool charity I wanted to share with you all
Here are some:
She also supports the charity I have been saving money for called World Vision.
Her website is
Her Blog is
So be sure to check out this amazing Christian girl and read her story. I promise it will inspire you:)
She also some a cool charity I wanted to share with you all
Here are some:
Friends of Bethany Foundation – A non-profit organization dedicated to sharing the hope and love of Jesus Christ worldwide by inspiring people through the life stories of
Bethany Hamilton and others
Walking on Water – A Christian non-profit organization dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with this generation’s global surfing community.
Beating the Odds Foundation – An organization that helps America’s youth become winners in life despite the challenges, setbacks, or obstacles they face in today’s society, and works to inspire individuals to reach their full potential in life.
The Foundation for a Better Life – A non-profit organization who’s sole objective is to promote positive values, using print and broadcast media.
She also supports the charity I have been saving money for called World Vision.
Her website is
Her Blog is
So be sure to check out this amazing Christian girl and read her story. I promise it will inspire you:)
Monday, March 12, 2012
Word of the week:Holy Trinity
Who knows what the holy trinity is? Probably not all of you! I didnt until just recently. The holy trinity is God in his three forms ; the father,the son, and the Holy Spirit. I used to be really confused about how Jesus was Gods son not God himself. But God came down in human form as jesus or the son,AND rules in heaven as the father. The holy spirit is the third person on the trinity who searches the mind of God and intercedes for all believers. The holy spirit is sort of like the belivers consience telling us truth and letting the lord speak to us. If you accept Christ into your life then you have thr holy spirit living in you. It helps you to have spiritual truth and bring you knowledge about the gospel you need to know.You have to truly know God to accept the Holy Spirit in your heart.( If you have not done this you can email me about it at apcgurl@gmail.com, accept Jesus at a church, or say a prayer something like this
Lord Jesus,
I know I have sinned against you and that I do not live according to your plan all the time.I ask you to forgive me and I believe that you died for me to pay the debt for my sins. I repent of my sin and now I want to live the kind of life you want me to live.I ask you to come into my life and be my personal savior. Help me to follow and obey you as Lord. Bring the Holy spirit into me and allow me to discover your perfect will for my life
So now you have the Holy Spirit and hopefully you understand the concept of the Holy trinity. God spoke to me in telling me to post this and I hope that a girl out there will be touched by this. Even if you alreay have Jesus in your life you can always pray that prayer again to just renew that relationship with the Lord. God bless!
( sorry if there were alotta typos and grammer/ punct. mistakes. I composer this post through the ipod touch app which is not as user friendly so I apologize)
Lord Jesus,
I know I have sinned against you and that I do not live according to your plan all the time.I ask you to forgive me and I believe that you died for me to pay the debt for my sins. I repent of my sin and now I want to live the kind of life you want me to live.I ask you to come into my life and be my personal savior. Help me to follow and obey you as Lord. Bring the Holy spirit into me and allow me to discover your perfect will for my life
So now you have the Holy Spirit and hopefully you understand the concept of the Holy trinity. God spoke to me in telling me to post this and I hope that a girl out there will be touched by this. Even if you alreay have Jesus in your life you can always pray that prayer again to just renew that relationship with the Lord. God bless!
( sorry if there were alotta typos and grammer/ punct. mistakes. I composer this post through the ipod touch app which is not as user friendly so I apologize)
Sunday, March 11, 2012
New Movie The Lorax Review
Hey sassy mamas,
Today I went with my 2 little brothers to see the new movie the Lorax. Let me start off by saying it was very cute and had a really good message not to be greedy and care for our Earth and my little bros ages 6 and 9 loved it! But me on the other hand, not so much. I think it was great for younger kids and as I said it wasn't a bad movie just very slow and little-kiddish. It didn't have a very intense story plot just a typical story. Not amazing not horrible. So if I were you unless you have younger siblings I would wait until this movie comes out on DVD to watch it. Wasn't my favorite but hey this is just my opinion you might want to watch it for yourself. I am just honestly reviewing it. Love you all and hope you found this review helpful

Saturday, March 10, 2012
Bible Study 1: Verses
Hey girls!
It's been a while since I have kept up with this online Bible Study but today I am going to share with you a few verses about being created in the image of God.
For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:13-14
Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourself instead with the beauty that comes from within. The unfooling beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.
1Peter 3:3-4
So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created them;male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27
Those are just verses that stood out to me about this subject!
Challenge: I challenge you to take on the YBP (info down below) and also to look in your Bible or online and comment telling some cool verse that relate to this Bible Study.
Verse of the Week:
He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble we can comfort them.
2 Corinthians 1:4
It's been a while since I have kept up with this online Bible Study but today I am going to share with you a few verses about being created in the image of God.
For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:13-14
Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourself instead with the beauty that comes from within. The unfooling beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.
1Peter 3:3-4
So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created them;male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27
Those are just verses that stood out to me about this subject!
Challenge: I challenge you to take on the YBP (info down below) and also to look in your Bible or online and comment telling some cool verse that relate to this Bible Study.
Verse of the Week:
He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble we can comfort them.
2 Corinthians 1:4
New TV show Awake : My Review!
Hey girlies!
I just finished watching an awesome new TV series. Only 2 episodes have camp out so far. It is called "Awake" and it is about a man with dueling realities. You kind of have to watch it to get it but here is the plot summary:
Proverbs 3:5-6
I just finished watching an awesome new TV series. Only 2 episodes have camp out so far. It is called "Awake" and it is about a man with dueling realities. You kind of have to watch it to get it but here is the plot summary:
Police detective Michael Britten is newly returned to work after being in a car crash along with his wife Hannah and his son Rex. After the crash Britten discovers that every time he goes to sleep he switches between two realities, one in which his wife died in the crash and one in which his son died. To differentiate between the two realities, Britten wears different colored rubber bands in each reality: red, for the one in which his wife is alive, and green, for the one in which his son is alive. Scenes in the "red" reality use warm tones, while scenes in the "green" reality use cool ones.
In the red reality he is partnered with rookie Efrem Vega and is seeing a confrontational department-recommended psychiatrist Dr. Lee His wife has redecorated the house and begins pushing him to move in an apparent effort to move past their son's death. In the green reality, Britten maintains his long-time partner Isaiah "Bird" Freeman and sees a more nurturing psychologist, Dr. Evans ( His son, previously a football player, has recently returned to playing tennis, and is coached by Hannah's former doubles partner Tara. Britten remains unsure which of the two realities, if either, is real, and begins to worry he is losing his sanity when details begin to cross over between the two
So that is what it is basically about but it is awesome! The most suspenseful show ever:) It leaves you wanting to watch more episodes!!!! So record this show or watch it on Thurdays at 10 PM. It is an hour long show so I would record it if I were you unless you wanna stay up till 11 every Thursday. Alright well bottom line is you should totally watch this show.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Celebrity News!!
Hey girls,
So I know there are a lot of mixed emotions about Justin Bieber. Some haters some lovers. I am definitely a fan not a crazy obsessive fan but never less a fan. If your a hater so be it but I am tired of hearing rude comments like he's gay. Justin Bieber is obviously not gay. He sings all his songs about loving girls and even has a really cute girlfriend for crying out loud. I give the guy some credit, he's super talented and a sweet guy. Well anyway my man JB has a new album coming out this month. I have heard it is coming out on the 21st (the same day as Bible Stud!) but celebrity gossip is never for sure. But it is coming out this moth. It is called Believe and he has songs with Kanye West, Taylor Swift, Jay Z , and I believe he is covering one of my favorite songs of all time Let it Be by the Beatles! We have to wait and see till the album comes out just exactly what songs he has on there.
On March 20th the Hunger Games album is coming out too!!! YAY! I can't wait for that one!! And the Hunger Games movie comes out on March 23rd! Also on March 12th there is a documentary on one of my favorite celebs of all time! You know who she is... thats right DEMI LOVATO! It is called Demi Lovato:Stay Strong and it is on MTV! Can't wait:) So be sure to tune in for that and mark your calendars for JB's album release and the Hunger Games movie and soundtrack! It's gunna be an ahhhmazing month full of entertainment but most importantly do not forget the Lord and in between all this awesome talent going around just thank God for everything and really just take time to worship him!
Love you all
So I know there are a lot of mixed emotions about Justin Bieber. Some haters some lovers. I am definitely a fan not a crazy obsessive fan but never less a fan. If your a hater so be it but I am tired of hearing rude comments like he's gay. Justin Bieber is obviously not gay. He sings all his songs about loving girls and even has a really cute girlfriend for crying out loud. I give the guy some credit, he's super talented and a sweet guy. Well anyway my man JB has a new album coming out this month. I have heard it is coming out on the 21st (the same day as Bible Stud!) but celebrity gossip is never for sure. But it is coming out this moth. It is called Believe and he has songs with Kanye West, Taylor Swift, Jay Z , and I believe he is covering one of my favorite songs of all time Let it Be by the Beatles! We have to wait and see till the album comes out just exactly what songs he has on there.
On March 20th the Hunger Games album is coming out too!!! YAY! I can't wait for that one!! And the Hunger Games movie comes out on March 23rd! Also on March 12th there is a documentary on one of my favorite celebs of all time! You know who she is... thats right DEMI LOVATO! It is called Demi Lovato:Stay Strong and it is on MTV! Can't wait:) So be sure to tune in for that and mark your calendars for JB's album release and the Hunger Games movie and soundtrack! It's gunna be an ahhhmazing month full of entertainment but most importantly do not forget the Lord and in between all this awesome talent going around just thank God for everything and really just take time to worship him!
Love you all
My favorite beauty products
1. Suave wild cherry blossom lotion
It has a long lasting smell and doesnt make your skin feel oily but jut soft and smooth:) Gives your legs a perfect touch when sporting a bikini or shorts this summer
2.Garnier Fructics Style: Curl Shaping spray gel Strong Curl Definer
This is for anyone who has or doesn't have curly hair. You spray it in your hair and crunch it up and it creates really pretty long lasting curls and waves.
3. Purpose Face Soap:
This stuff works!!! The best face soap ever. Has no oils and nothing to clog your pores just pure face soap that will clear acne and just make your face feel refreshed.
4.Garnier Nutrritioniste: Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel Cream
*Yes thats how you spell nutritioniste for this product!
After you wash your face you put this on and let me tell you best 3 dollars spent. It refreshes you completely and leaves your face so moist and natural feeling. I love it:)
5.Suave Extreme Hold Unscented Hairspray
This hairspray works! Wether its for a performance or for every day use this has the best hold out of all hairsprays I've tried.
6.Caress Tahitian Renewal Body Wash
This body wash is exfoliating which takes off all dead skin leaving your skin smooth and refreshed and it smells amazing!
7. TRESemme Color Protection Shampoo
This is great shampoo if you have highlights or hair color if not the original one may work but I absolutely love TRESemme shampoo and conditioner. It leaves your hair shiny and soft and smells good too.
8. Garnier Fructice Sleek and Shine Intensely Smooth Leave in Conditioning cream
As you can see I am a big Garnier fan! This leave in conditioner you can use with wet or dry hair and it shines your hair and makes it smooth and detangled and is very handy for those bad hair days with the frizzy, dry, well CRAZY hair!
9. TRESemme Freshstart Dry Shampoo
This is by far my fave dry shampoo. I love it mostly because it smells really good and dry shampoo is the cure for those busy days where I can't take a shower especially if my hair is getting oily or greasy.
10.Biosilk: Silk Therapy
This product seriously with just one drop makes your hair so silky smooth and not look greasy and gross. Another product that smells bomb diggety.
11.Maybelline Volume Express Falsiees Mascara
This mascara is amazing really enhances your lashes, not clumpy, and I love the brush. It comes in brown, black drama, waterproof and just regular so you can choose. Although the Covergirl mascara is good too I don't think any company beats Maybelline Falsies line!
Thats all for now but Ross has really good makeup for cheap and hair accessories such as curling irons, hair straighteners and other stuff thats really good quality for super low prices. I get most of my makeup sets and pallets there. Also the dollar tree is a good place for stuff like head bands, brushes, scrunchies, feathers, hair ties, bobby pins, qtips and other simple fashion accessories but if I were you I wouldn't buy their makeup. You can get the products above at Target, Walmart, and pretty much any drugstore. So yeah hopes this helps all you beautiful girls
I got my free book from Ann-Margret Hovespian a very generous and amazing Christian author that stumbled across my blog. If you can give me a week of doing her devotions I will review the book for you. I did the first one today and I am already loving it. It is very understandable but deep and I love how applicable the devotions are to your life and the challenges and tips it gives you. I can tell by the time the book is done I will have accumulated many skills to growing spiritually! Stay tuned for my review:) around next Monday ( or maybe it's next next Monday i dont know the devotions don't start until Monday) I will have one for you....
It has a long lasting smell and doesnt make your skin feel oily but jut soft and smooth:) Gives your legs a perfect touch when sporting a bikini or shorts this summer
2.Garnier Fructics Style: Curl Shaping spray gel Strong Curl Definer
This is for anyone who has or doesn't have curly hair. You spray it in your hair and crunch it up and it creates really pretty long lasting curls and waves.
3. Purpose Face Soap:
This stuff works!!! The best face soap ever. Has no oils and nothing to clog your pores just pure face soap that will clear acne and just make your face feel refreshed.
4.Garnier Nutrritioniste: Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel Cream
*Yes thats how you spell nutritioniste for this product!
After you wash your face you put this on and let me tell you best 3 dollars spent. It refreshes you completely and leaves your face so moist and natural feeling. I love it:)
5.Suave Extreme Hold Unscented Hairspray
This hairspray works! Wether its for a performance or for every day use this has the best hold out of all hairsprays I've tried.
6.Caress Tahitian Renewal Body Wash
This body wash is exfoliating which takes off all dead skin leaving your skin smooth and refreshed and it smells amazing!
7. TRESemme Color Protection Shampoo
This is great shampoo if you have highlights or hair color if not the original one may work but I absolutely love TRESemme shampoo and conditioner. It leaves your hair shiny and soft and smells good too.
8. Garnier Fructice Sleek and Shine Intensely Smooth Leave in Conditioning cream
As you can see I am a big Garnier fan! This leave in conditioner you can use with wet or dry hair and it shines your hair and makes it smooth and detangled and is very handy for those bad hair days with the frizzy, dry, well CRAZY hair!
9. TRESemme Freshstart Dry Shampoo
This is by far my fave dry shampoo. I love it mostly because it smells really good and dry shampoo is the cure for those busy days where I can't take a shower especially if my hair is getting oily or greasy.
10.Biosilk: Silk Therapy
This product seriously with just one drop makes your hair so silky smooth and not look greasy and gross. Another product that smells bomb diggety.
11.Maybelline Volume Express Falsiees Mascara
This mascara is amazing really enhances your lashes, not clumpy, and I love the brush. It comes in brown, black drama, waterproof and just regular so you can choose. Although the Covergirl mascara is good too I don't think any company beats Maybelline Falsies line!
Thats all for now but Ross has really good makeup for cheap and hair accessories such as curling irons, hair straighteners and other stuff thats really good quality for super low prices. I get most of my makeup sets and pallets there. Also the dollar tree is a good place for stuff like head bands, brushes, scrunchies, feathers, hair ties, bobby pins, qtips and other simple fashion accessories but if I were you I wouldn't buy their makeup. You can get the products above at Target, Walmart, and pretty much any drugstore. So yeah hopes this helps all you beautiful girls
I got my free book from Ann-Margret Hovespian a very generous and amazing Christian author that stumbled across my blog. If you can give me a week of doing her devotions I will review the book for you. I did the first one today and I am already loving it. It is very understandable but deep and I love how applicable the devotions are to your life and the challenges and tips it gives you. I can tell by the time the book is done I will have accumulated many skills to growing spiritually! Stay tuned for my review:) around next Monday ( or maybe it's next next Monday i dont know the devotions don't start until Monday) I will have one for you....
Monday, March 5, 2012
Please vote for me!!!!!:)
Hey Girlies,. I have a HUGE favor to ask of you all!! I entered a singing contest online where I have a chance to win a trip to New York and go to Broadway camp. Please go online to https://beastar.landomoms.com/entries?page=7 and vote for me every day from now until March 25th!You can vote once a day on each device (for example if you have an ipod touch, an ipad, a phone with internet, and a computer thats 4 votes a day!!!) Please post it on your face book page,twitter account, forward an email or texts to your friends, any way you can think of to get me some votes. Thanks sooo much! Love you and don't forget to vote for me!! Ashley |
Sunday, March 4, 2012
App Review: Jetpack Joyride
Hey girls,
The other day I was bored and on the app store on my Itouch and came across an app called Jetpack Joyride by Halfbrick Studios. It is so addicting!! In the game you are in a little jet and try to doge electrical fields and stuff while earning coins to buy new power-ups. It is really an amazing game that will provide hours of entertainment! Best part is: IT'S FREE!
What critics have to say:
"This application is currently free at the time of the review, and it is defiantly worth the download. It is a game that is enjoyable to play and is playable for ages as you want to beat your current score. There are also missions which makes the game last longer and makes you want to complete these."
"Grapics are wonderful! I Love it!"
Sooo,,,, hurry and download Jetpack Joyride while it is free!!! And have fun:)
HONK! : The Musical
Hey girls,
Today I went and saw CAT (Christian Arts Theater's) production of Honk! The play was the story of the ugly duckling but was for all ages and really well put on. CAT is a great Christian organization and puts on the best shows. Performances are held at Corona Civic Auditorium, 815 W. 6th St. in Corona.
The dates are:
Friday, March 9th at 7pm
Saturdays, March 10th at 2pm & 7pm1
Sunday, March 11th at 2pm
Saturdays, March 10th at 2pm & 7pm1
Sunday, March 11th at 2pm
This is a show you do not want to miss. I think I covered everything tickets are 14 dollars for adults and 12 for kids and if you buy them at the door it is an extra 2 dollars but it is all worth it... this is definitely a show you do not want to miss. I have been a part of this organization for about 3 years and just decided to move on to dance at JPD but this place offers great classes! If you are interested in taking classes in acting, singing, dancing, or all three CAT is the place to go. Great kids, instructors, and it is Christian! Once you are enrolled in a class you can audition for the big productions too! The CAT website for more information on how to sign up for classes or information about the current show HONK is online at
Hope you can go and see it or maybe even sign up for classes! The spring session sign ups just started so your not too late:)
Love ya
King Solomon's Wish
Hi God Girls!,
Most of you don't know who King Solomon is! I didn't until I read my Bible and devotions today. I've always knew the name from the Bible but never fully understood what made this man so special. So today I am going to tell you so you can try to be more like this wonderful man of God.
God gave King Solomon one wish to better his life. He could have chosen riches, power, good looks, love, fame, long life but no, instead King Solomon chose to possess wisdom! Isn't that cool that this man chose such a wise wish to come true. God was so impressed with him that he gave him even more wisdom than anyone to help the King better rule his people in a Godly way. Wisdom changed everything for him. It changed how he acted, thought, and brought him much success! How often do you try to grow in wisdom? try to look in God's word to make wise decisions about the trials in your life and like King Solomon you will have a very great life and make the best choices to be a light for God
That night God appeared to Solomon. He said , "What can I give you? Solomon responded to God...." Give me wisdom and knowledge so that I may lead my people.
2 Chronicles 1:7-8
Verse of the week:
This verse also kind of goes along with this and being a light through your knowledge and wisdom for God. It is...
Matthew 5:16
You should be a light for other people. Live so they will see the good things you do and will praise your father in heaven.
Today look up King Solomon and see what you can find on him. Look in your Bible, devotions, or Christian online websites! Comment and share with me and other blog readers what you found! I would love to hear from you all:)
Most of you don't know who King Solomon is! I didn't until I read my Bible and devotions today. I've always knew the name from the Bible but never fully understood what made this man so special. So today I am going to tell you so you can try to be more like this wonderful man of God.

That night God appeared to Solomon. He said , "What can I give you? Solomon responded to God...." Give me wisdom and knowledge so that I may lead my people.
2 Chronicles 1:7-8
Verse of the week:
This verse also kind of goes along with this and being a light through your knowledge and wisdom for God. It is...
Matthew 5:16
You should be a light for other people. Live so they will see the good things you do and will praise your father in heaven.
Today look up King Solomon and see what you can find on him. Look in your Bible, devotions, or Christian online websites! Comment and share with me and other blog readers what you found! I would love to hear from you all:)
Friday, March 2, 2012
Word of the week: mercy
This word is used hundreds of times in the Bible it is time to dig a little deeper and find what exactly mercy is!
- Mercy--not getting what you do deserve / withheld punishment
- Mercy is like a judge finding you guilty, but then withholding any punishment. Grace is getting something you could never have imagined. An inexplicable gift. It's like the same judge awarding you $10,000,000.00, after finding you guilty!
"And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives."
Jude 22:23
Jude 22:23
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."
Matthew 6:7
Matthew 6:7
"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8
Micah 6:8
"Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!"
James 2:12-13
James 2:12-13
Ex 33:19 (NIV) ..."I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."
Weekly Challenge: So this week I challenge you to have mercy on others like God has mercy on you. Just walk away if someone does something mean or reply with a nice comment that they didn't deserve.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Bible Stud 1: Being healthy
Hey! So this bible study is about self image and how you are made in God's image. God thinks you are beautiful no matter what but you will be a happy and much healthier more confident girl if you make some healthy choices Today we are going to talk about working out, eating right, and some resources to better help you.
Do not worry about what the number on the scale says, make healthy choice to better your life and how you feel about yourself and remember.... muscle weighs more than fat!!!
2. Do NOOOOT starve yourselves
Some girls feel like skipping a meal or not eating as much will help them.... THAT IS NOOOT TRUE! You should eat 5 times a day; a light breakfast, light snack, light lunch, light snack, light dinner. Studies show that when you eat more in smaller portions you burn more calories and you are healthier
3. Diet soda is still bad for you.
Girls... do you really need to drink soda?? Water is absolutely all your bodies need so why drink more than that. All soda's and most juice is very bad for you and should be the first thing to eliminate from your diet
4. Have everything in moderation.
You do not have to be so strict or hard on yourselves, as long as you have everything in moderation (which means not too much and not too little you can have that cookie but just not the whole bag of cookies. And if you are craving something sweet dark chocolate is better for you than most sweets because it provides antioxidants to get all the toxins that are infecting your body out of you!
5. God's food is there for a reason... eat whole foods
God gave us fruits and veggies for a reason so take responsibility for yourself and eat as much fruits and veggies as possible... anything packaged is probably not good for you!
6. You can create your menu!
You don't have to eat bad when you go out to restaurants, in fact you can usually order healthier options not on the menu. If your having pizza ask for whole grain crust, if your having pasta ask for whole grain noodles. In sandwiches and salads get more veggies and less meat and for sandwiches get whole grain bread.
7. Exercise!!!
No matter what you eat you can't get healthy without exercise!!
8. Be aware of what you eat
Before you put anything in your mouth you should know the nutrition facts and make an informed decision if you actually want to put that in your body! Sometimes you will decide that a certain food isn't worth eating. For an example, you think salads and protein bars are good for you but ranch, fried chicken, bacon, and other ingredients in salads can make them as bad as a Big Mac!? And protein bars are great for energy but most are high in sugar. I get protein bars called Detour lower sugar bars and they seriously taste as good as a Snicker bar no kidding!!!
1. jumprope ( 10 mins of jump rope burns 100 calories)
2. plank ( great ab workout do your plank for 30 seconds to a minute)
3. running ( great fat burner)
4.push ups- I VEEERY VEEERY VERRRY VERY MUCH DISLIKE push-ups but you gotta do em:(
5. sit-ups or crunches - oh yes! the classic sit-up definitely makes my top 10!
6.dancing- just making up a dance in your room, watching a youtube video that teaches you a routine, playing dance video games such as Just Dance, or signing up for a few classes is sooo fun and a great workout!
7.scissors- to do a scissor you make a small cross with your feet and then spread them out to improve your flexibility and then just use your abs you pull them up.
8.wall sit- put your back against a wall and bend your legs like your sitting in a chair and then hold in there use your leg and ab muscles to stay there. ( I do this while brushing my teeth and it is a great way to work out while doing simple tasks)
9.bike- just ride your bike around the neighborhood or work out on a mechanical bike in a gym or maybe you have one at home!
10. lunges- put some 5-10 pound weights in your hands and lunge switching your legs.
Ipod app
- I love an iPod app called Lose it! it is free and it helps counting calories, fat, sugar, and protein content in your food and gives you your average calorie intake a day ( yours should be around 1,400-1,700)
This is a great ab workout video and is only 10 minutes:)
-P90x is a cool workout training video as well!
I went to a nutrition class at my dance studio once and this professional nutritionist and dancer Caroline Lewis knew a lot of little things about eating healthy here is her website
Girls Life website has a health column too which has a health tip of the day and some very helpful things nobody knows about your health. I love it!
Eating right tips
1. It doesn't matter about your weightDo not worry about what the number on the scale says, make healthy choice to better your life and how you feel about yourself and remember.... muscle weighs more than fat!!!
2. Do NOOOOT starve yourselves
Some girls feel like skipping a meal or not eating as much will help them.... THAT IS NOOOT TRUE! You should eat 5 times a day; a light breakfast, light snack, light lunch, light snack, light dinner. Studies show that when you eat more in smaller portions you burn more calories and you are healthier
3. Diet soda is still bad for you.
Girls... do you really need to drink soda?? Water is absolutely all your bodies need so why drink more than that. All soda's and most juice is very bad for you and should be the first thing to eliminate from your diet
4. Have everything in moderation.
You do not have to be so strict or hard on yourselves, as long as you have everything in moderation (which means not too much and not too little you can have that cookie but just not the whole bag of cookies. And if you are craving something sweet dark chocolate is better for you than most sweets because it provides antioxidants to get all the toxins that are infecting your body out of you!
5. God's food is there for a reason... eat whole foods
God gave us fruits and veggies for a reason so take responsibility for yourself and eat as much fruits and veggies as possible... anything packaged is probably not good for you!
6. You can create your menu!
You don't have to eat bad when you go out to restaurants, in fact you can usually order healthier options not on the menu. If your having pizza ask for whole grain crust, if your having pasta ask for whole grain noodles. In sandwiches and salads get more veggies and less meat and for sandwiches get whole grain bread.
7. Exercise!!!
No matter what you eat you can't get healthy without exercise!!
8. Be aware of what you eat
Before you put anything in your mouth you should know the nutrition facts and make an informed decision if you actually want to put that in your body! Sometimes you will decide that a certain food isn't worth eating. For an example, you think salads and protein bars are good for you but ranch, fried chicken, bacon, and other ingredients in salads can make them as bad as a Big Mac!? And protein bars are great for energy but most are high in sugar. I get protein bars called Detour lower sugar bars and they seriously taste as good as a Snicker bar no kidding!!!
Top 10 workout moves
1. jumprope ( 10 mins of jump rope burns 100 calories)
2. plank ( great ab workout do your plank for 30 seconds to a minute)
3. running ( great fat burner)
4.push ups- I VEEERY VEEERY VERRRY VERY MUCH DISLIKE push-ups but you gotta do em:(
5. sit-ups or crunches - oh yes! the classic sit-up definitely makes my top 10!
6.dancing- just making up a dance in your room, watching a youtube video that teaches you a routine, playing dance video games such as Just Dance, or signing up for a few classes is sooo fun and a great workout!
7.scissors- to do a scissor you make a small cross with your feet and then spread them out to improve your flexibility and then just use your abs you pull them up.
8.wall sit- put your back against a wall and bend your legs like your sitting in a chair and then hold in there use your leg and ab muscles to stay there. ( I do this while brushing my teeth and it is a great way to work out while doing simple tasks)
9.bike- just ride your bike around the neighborhood or work out on a mechanical bike in a gym or maybe you have one at home!
10. lunges- put some 5-10 pound weights in your hands and lunge switching your legs.
Ipod app
- I love an iPod app called Lose it! it is free and it helps counting calories, fat, sugar, and protein content in your food and gives you your average calorie intake a day ( yours should be around 1,400-1,700)
This is a great ab workout video and is only 10 minutes:)
-P90x is a cool workout training video as well!
I went to a nutrition class at my dance studio once and this professional nutritionist and dancer Caroline Lewis knew a lot of little things about eating healthy here is her website
Girls Life website has a health column too which has a health tip of the day and some very helpful things nobody knows about your health. I love it!
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