Friday, November 18, 2011

World Vision Charity

Hey God girls!
I found an amazing charity to give back to and I dedicated a whole blog page for it so please check it out at the top of my blog it says World Vision charity so click on that and you can get the scoop on that. Thanks for all of the support  and please continue to pray for my blog to get a lot of views and for me to raise money for the World Vision charity! <3 all of you with all my heart!

Thanks xoxo,


  1. I'll totally help. Seems fun. I'll always pray for your blog; it's the most amazing kid creation I've ever seen, Ash! Victoria

  2. Hey Ash. Talk to you later I'll definitely get on later. Victoria

  3. Hey when you get more information about this charity or any others, let me know so I can help. Thanks. Victoria

  4. Hey I checked out the blog page for the charity. It's cool, are you going to donate to it? I love helping charities. It makes me feel like I'm saving lives. :)Victoria

  5. Yes I am not asking for Christmas presents this year and just money for World Vision. I am going to try to raise 500-1,000 dollars this holiday season and I am going to give it to start these people out with food for the new year and hopefully it will last the whole year and next Christmas I can do it again. If anyone wants to sponsor me/donate please email or comment telling me the amount and when u can send it to me.If I get 1,000m dollars I can sponsor a child for a year (35 dollars a month) and I can give a family 13 large farm animals! 100% of the money goes to World Vision. Thanks everyone!

  6. I have a 20 dollar bill that I don't know what to do with. I'll donate that, and I'll ask my mom 2 donate some 2. Hopefully, we'll donate about 40 dollars. Victoria

  7. Thank you sooooo much I will let you know what we end up getting for these kids with the money you donate

  8. Can't wait to. Anyways, I just remembered that I have a donate box. It's full of toys that I don't use and it has a separate box in there with money I save. Do you take toys as well as money?

  9. No we dont take toys but over the holiday season Im sure you can end up making a kid happy and there are many places to donate them at Christmas time! Thanks for the genorosity and suppport!

  10. Glad to help!:)


Thanks for commenting!! You made my day:) Keep comments Godly please and just know how beautiful you are in the eyes of the Lord<3