Friday, November 11, 2011

Amazing Verse

1 Timothy 4:12 NLT

Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.
I looovvve this verse this is my verse of the week and hope you love it too!!!!


  1. I can relate so much to that! Definitely don't let people judge you if your small and young. (I'm like SUPER short!) I love this verse too! It means so much to me. Victoria

  2. Yes I agree sometimes I feel that I can't make a difference in peopls lives and even in this blog I didnt know what to do....what if nobody reads it? but I remembered that I have friends like you who will support me in everything I do thanks so much vic and everyone who is supporting me through my blog it means the world to me

  3. Ash, when you feel left out just because you feel like you are being treated a couple years younger than you really are because of shortness or being young, it's time to pray. Pray with your parents, pray with family, pray individually, or pray with me or any other friends that you are close with. You can always come to me when you have problems about what people are saying or any other problems that you need to talk to someone about. Please come to me whenever you need to! I know you will, and I'll do the same. Victoria

  4. Being short can sometimes be fun, but I'm in middle school, and trust me, I've been treated like a five year old! I mean, it's not every day that you see a seventh grader that's not even four ten yet! I get used to it, but I think it's time to get used to being treated like a 12 year old in seventh grade because that's who I am! No more people saying I'm so short and adorable (I mean, sometimes it's fun being called adorable and all, but not in the little kid way) I want mature people to come up to me and tell me how nice and sweet I am. How supportive I am. Like Ashley. Ashley is the perfect example of a wonderful friend. Comes up to you and tells exactly the good things she feels about you. She makes you feel special and hopeful. She would never desert you for any reason. I think she's wonderful and anyone who thinks differently is crazy! Don't let someone treat you like a small child. Be strong and confident and enjoy the compliments that Ash or any other good friends lay on you! Victoria

  5. Just a random shout out. I love you, Ash!

  6. Oh, that random shout out was from Victoria. :)


Thanks for commenting!! You made my day:) Keep comments Godly please and just know how beautiful you are in the eyes of the Lord<3