Sunday, June 10, 2012

Help with memorizing verses

Hey everyone I am so busy packing and super excited for my trips but I knew I had to squeeze in a little time to post. Many people have been asking how to memorize bible verses and why you should memorize bible verses.So I thought I would do my research and give you some resources and ideas

1.  I found a really cool PDF file that explains all of this:

2. Get a binder ring and some index cards, clip the ring on your purse or something you take with you wherever you go. Make your own "flash cards" and write the verse on one side and the Book,Chapter and verse on the back (like Proverbs 3:5-6 ) The, just take them everywhere with you and whenever you have a chance work on memorizing them.

3. Devotions- I have a cool one call Truth and Dare by Ann Hovsepian (link on sidebar) and one by Beka DeWitt called Holding His Hand ( link also on sidebar) that show you a verse to look up and memorize every day but of course you don't have to memorize one a day, you can use do one a day or 5 a day, learn at your own pace.

4. That website has some helpful tips as well

5. I am reading a Christian book right now called UnStuck (review to come) and it has some really good tips too I definitely recommend it. I got it for free from the publisher for a review and I love it so far although it does talk about some mature temptations that most tweens aren't dealing with yet.

6. Here are some websites that have some verses to start with, although you should pick verses that will personally help you wether your dealing with loss, temptation, or anything like that pick verses that will help you the most.

7. This website is an online helper/ software system that is free and you don't have to download anything. SO AWESOME:)

 8. Also at most church's they have a memory verse every week you can memorize and they have a club like Awana that you go to and the sole purpose is to memorize verses

9. There are also iPod,iPad, iPhone apps such as Memorize Bible Verses

By Unscripted Software ($1.99)  that you can get and I'm sure you can find more:)

Note: Also there are no verses more important than another God gave his disciples all the words in the Bible so no verse is the most important.

So I hope this helps just a little bit. Good luck and good job for wanting to memorize scripture it has many many benefits as you will read if you visit any of the websites or read UnStuck! Thanks everyone!


1 comment:

Thanks for commenting!! You made my day:) Keep comments Godly please and just know how beautiful you are in the eyes of the Lord<3