Sunday, April 1, 2012

Trials create endurance

I have been reading many devotionals on the same topic.... How trials in your life are placed there by God and they create endurance. Not like the running endurance but spiritual endurance! God knows everything that is going to happen before it happens and everything happens for a reason! EVERYTHING!!:) While reading devotions this passage stood out to me.

"The strong tree isnt the tree planted inside a warm,comfortable box in a climate controlled building. The strong tree is planted outside in the elements,forced to live in extreme temperatures,drought,and snow. This hardy tree digs deep into the ground to keep itself alive, always reaching for more life giving nutrients, always holding on, even against all hope. Your roots can grow strong too when you survive every season and keep on gettin those life giving elements from the Father. A small little sapling grows into an enormous tree when it hold tightly to the soil that surrounds it. You too will grow in strength when you hold tightly to the Word of God."

-quoted from God Girl Devotions by Haley DiMarco

Thats true! You need to go through hard things in life but everything will pass and you will be rewarded in heaven. So let hard things happen but always keep your faith in the Lord and  create spiritual endurance.

Here is one verse that stood out about not questioning God because he knows everything will happen for a reason.

Yes God's riches are very great and his wisdom and knowledge have no end! No one can explain the things that God decides or understand his ways. As scripture says (Isaiah 40:13) Who has known the mind of the Lord or who had been able to give him advice?


Challenge: do one thing out of your comfort zone that would please the Lord and think of it as a trial that will help you become a better Christian girl. If you have been praying for more faith then this is a sign that by doing things out of your comfort zone you will be rewarded with what every Christian should want; more faith!

Love you all!


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