Sunday, April 15, 2012

Girls Guide to Life Review

My lovely darling amazing bloggy friends,

Hey everyone:) Wow its been a while. I am so tremendously sorry if I haven't gotten back to anyones blog posts,comments,emails,guest posts, anything I missed. I have just been crazy hectic busy:( But I am back and I am trying to do more blogging:):)

Today on this lovely April Sunday I will be reviewing a book sent to me by one of my review sponsors(*THANK YOU!*) It is called The Girls Guide To Life written by the generous amazing Katie Meier.
A Girls Guide to Life by Katie Meier (this is the cover I have on my book)

A different cover but the same fabulous book:)
Overall this book was very helpful and gave lots of good quality Christian information about different situations. Only thing was I am 11 and it had some mature topics in the book that didn't really relate to my life right now. But some of you it may or you might want to have information in case any of these situations do come up in your Jr. High or High School years to come. This book was separated into 3 sections (Mind,Body,and Soul) and each section had different chapters within itself.

Here were the topics discussed under each section

Self Esteem
Pressure and The Real You
Going online and the digital you (did include information about"sexting" but it was really not in depth and gave people reasons why God wouldn't want you to do that and the consequences)
Disorders and Who Can Help(great chapter with plenty of resources for everything from mild depression to eating disorders to suicidal thoughts and actions such as self harm)

New Developments
Sex and Sexuality ( really didn't give very detailed things it talked about purity, how to say NO, and harm that can come from having sex... this chapter didn't relate to me whatsoever and I didn't read all of it because I really wasn't and will not go through anything like this very soon. Im still in elementary school but seemed helpful if you were going through this)
Guys-Whats up with them?
Your Rights

Lending a Hand
Who You'll Choose To Be.

This book was a wonderful,well,written, interactive book. It was around 210 pages so its worth the money for the about of information and time it takes to read and I would definitely recommend buying it. There are links on my sidebar to purchase this book.

Overall Rating
4 stars out of 5 simply because some things didn't relate to me but that it not the authors fault whatsoever and had nothing to do with the book it was just my review and my rating.

Love you all!:)

And make sure to check out the links pertaining to this book on my sidebar.


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