Monday, April 16, 2012

Just some stuff...

Hey everyone!:)

First off I found a really cool giveaway going on right now check it out
Awesome Giveaway!!!

Second of all I found a cool website where you can create a free website for any small business or any reason you might want to have a website:)
It is called

Third of all I got my first blog award!!
I want to say Thank you to Rissi from the blog Scripts Scibbles and Such

Here is the link to where I got awarded "Most Versatile Blogger"

Here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you - check!
  • Share 7 random things about yourself
  • Nominate More Bloggers

Here are the 7 random things about me:

1. I don't like soup broth.
2. I hate wearing socks!
3. When I was 3 I bit my tongue.... almost in half and could only eat popsicles for a month. Gross though right!!?
4. I cannot play clarinet ( I was in band for a year and failed miserably)
5. About a year ago I had a pet chick but we had to give it away because we didn't have room or time to keep up with full grown chickens (they got mean!)
6. I do not enjoy watching any sports.
7. My dog is named Mickey after a 4th cousin Mickey Mantle who was a pro baseball player for the Yankees.

Awards for some other blogs:

Loren at Dancing For Jesus

Trinka at Amazing Love


Alexa at Shine Your Glory Down


Lindsey at Sprinkles Of My Life


Love you all:)



  1. That is so cool that you're cousins with Mickey!!! (I obviously have brothers.:P)

  2. Great fun, Ashley dear. =)

    I don't like sports much either - it takes a lot for me to stick with a football game. Although I do enjoy the Olympics.

  3. thanks so much for awarding me!


Thanks for commenting!! You made my day:) Keep comments Godly please and just know how beautiful you are in the eyes of the Lord<3