Thursday, April 26, 2012

Review of Holding His Hand Girls Devotional Journal by Beka Dewitt

Hey so I recieved this book for free by another generous review sponsor and I have completed a week of devotionals so here is my review

Well when I first got the book it was a little smaller than expected ( 130 pages) but its only a 90 day devotional so each devotional is a good size to get the message through and to make you think. Most of this weeks devos were really good and made you think and were well written. They were all pretty good and include some verses to look up in the Bible ( love that feauture because it gets me into my Bible each day) occasionally a prayer to say and the devotional. The layout was kind of confusing at first but you get familiar with everything as you go along. There were a couple of devotions not so powerful and some that were really great just depending on the person and everything. So bottom line is that this is a great devotional but just not my complete favorite although I do reccomend buying it. ( Link on sidebar)

Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Hope you enjoyed this:)



  1. How much are they?:) Looks cool!


  2. Im not for sure theres a link on my sidebar with all the info:)

    Thanks for reading



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