Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter! Glory to God:)

Hey everyone

First of all HAPPY EASTER!!! Jesus rose from the dead today to save our sins and rule over us in heaven. Isn't that just a glorious thing, go ahead and scream "He Has Risen!" and just give all the glory to the Lord on this brilliant day

   Secondly, I want to do a giveaway soon. So far I am sponsored by the hairbow company and emma margret has promised to sponsor me for my 20th follower giveaway:) Please follow me and get friends and anyone you know who would like this blog to follow me as well so I can get to my 20 followers and have a giveaway! Also if you are my 20th follower you get an extra entry in the giveaway:) Theres some cute stuff just waiting for a giveaway so please help get me some followers. Anyone who does a promotion post about my blog will also get an extra giveaway entry.Thanks for all your support.

Also anyone who doesnt have the free app Draw Something should get it! It is such a fun game you can play with friends. My username is luv2sing333 so anyone who is just getting the app or who has it and is not playing with me just comment or email me with your username. Or start a game with me and just comment who you are so i know that i am playing with one of my lovely blog followers:)

I saw the Hunger Games movie last weekend too and it was really good. It did have some blood and mild swearing and obviously a mature topic (rated PG-13) but I love the books and the movies and think you should really see it. You dont even have to read the book before you watch the movie. If you havent read,watched, or (*gasp*) havent even heard of the Hunger Games you should totally go see the movie and read the books.

1.Tell me a story! Comment or email me a story about a time where you felt Gods love during a tough time.

2.Read Matthew 28:1-10
It talks about the resurrection of Jesus on this wonderful day!:)

Thats all for todays post. I have had a really busy spring break so hopefully I will post more once school starts back! Love you all:):)


P.S Check out this cool contest hosted by one of my sponsors Ann Hovsepian and her wonderful book Truth& Dare

Ready for some fun and the chance to win a free devotional book for a tween girl (either for yourself or to give as a gift)? I thought so! Keep reading…
I want to give away four copies of my books, as follows:
- One grand prize winner will win a copy of Designer Genes AND a copy of Truth & Dare (plus a few more surprise goodies).
- Two second-prize winners will each win a copy of either Designer Genes or Truth & Dare.
To find out more, please go to: and read all about it there. Feel free to pass this along to anyone you think might be interested!
Thanks and have a blessed Easter weekend,
 (There is a whole bunch of info about the contest in the link above but basically it is a photography contest and you must include a picture of one of her books in the photo. The deadline is April 30th. But as I said go to the website and you will find a whole bunch of information.)


  1. Hope you and your family had a lovely Easter!

    Hey, there is a blog award for you! If you think it sounds fun, come check it out. =)

    1. Thank you Rissi that sounds really fun I hope to include that in a post within the next week. I commented on your blog about it too:) Thank you again

  2. Yes I really liked the movie! It was definitely not the most appropriate but it was really good because you know its not real. But rating PG 13 was definitely spot on.


Thanks for commenting!! You made my day:) Keep comments Godly please and just know how beautiful you are in the eyes of the Lord<3