Sunday, April 29, 2012
God is watching!
Okay so think about this....
When you hide something from a friend, teacher or parent and they dont catch you or find out about it did you really get away with it. NO! Because God saw it and he is more important than any Earthly person or thing.
Each time you watch a video, see a movie, go on a website, send a text, tell someone something that you know is not right think about how God is watching. And if you dont know right from wrong think about this... Would I say this if Jesus was in the room or Would I post this video or website I went on on my Christian blog or would I show this picture or text to my pastor, parent, teacher, or principal or would I show this to God. If you answer No than its wrong. Because even if you text past your bedtime an hide your phone under your covers you arent hiding anything from God. I have been thinking how I am guilty of this but God has really helped me not be so tempted so next time you are tempted to do or say something that is wrong pray and ask God to help you resist temptation and to do whats right.
You have a few challenges:
1. Comment and give me ideas for posts, topics you would like to see a post about, cool songs videos websites you like, what posts you look forward to and read all the way and those that are just eh that you skim over. All of that I want to hear all feedback, opinions, and mostly IDEAS from you.
2. Pray and ask God to forgive your sins and help you to resist temptation
I am sorry but I cannot guespost anymore these next few months. I am too busy and I kind of feel like writing a really good post on someone elses blog is kind of taking away from my blog readers but I would love for others to guestpost on my blog if anyone is interested.
2. I read all your suggestions about my blog schedule and I am going to try to blog every week either Weds or Thursday for sure and maybe more or if I dont have any ideas than maybe less. Thanks for your suggestions
Love you
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Review of Holding His Hand Girls Devotional Journal by Beka Dewitt
Hey so I recieved this book for free by another generous review sponsor and I have completed a week of devotionals so here is my review
Well when I first got the book it was a little smaller than expected ( 130 pages) but its only a 90 day devotional so each devotional is a good size to get the message through and to make you think. Most of this weeks devos were really good and made you think and were well written. They were all pretty good and include some verses to look up in the Bible ( love that feauture because it gets me into my Bible each day) occasionally a prayer to say and the devotional. The layout was kind of confusing at first but you get familiar with everything as you go along. There were a couple of devotions not so powerful and some that were really great just depending on the person and everything. So bottom line is that this is a great devotional but just not my complete favorite although I do reccomend buying it. ( Link on sidebar)
Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Hope you enjoyed this:)
Sunday, April 22, 2012
The real me:)
Hey everyone,
Oka so theres something on my mind I want to share. Okay so a blog is an online journal or a weblog. It is a personal space to just be the real you and not to get judged on your opinion it should just be a place to express your views and not worry about what anyone thinks about your thoughts. But here is the thing, I do worry sometimes I try so hard to please others with this blog and I forget that this is really supposed to be for me. I try to think of topics and think of stuff that will impress or speak to everyone else and not worry about what would speak to me if I was reading. I try to become a person I am not 100 percent. The posts I post yes, are what I would say and I DO express the real me but I worry too much about followers and sponsors and my blog popularity who cares how many people read my blog it is the thought of possibly being able to really speak to even just one person and bring them closer to God that is why I blog. If I have 100 sponsors and 1000 readers but do not speak to people and express myself to anyone than whats the point? I know that when most people read your blog they like hearing the voices of you not another blog you like, or information on someone else's giveaway or contests. While all that is kind of important posting posts with quality and witnessing for the Lord through me is truly my main goal. So thats the final thing from here on out my blog is going to be more quality posts with what is in MY mind or in MY heart not in someone else's heart and someone else's posts.
Love the real honest me,
I love blogging but don't really have a schedule to when I blog. Please comment and tell me how many days a week you think I should blog on what days and if you would rather have just spontaneous blog posts or those on some kind of routine schedule.
Oka so theres something on my mind I want to share. Okay so a blog is an online journal or a weblog. It is a personal space to just be the real you and not to get judged on your opinion it should just be a place to express your views and not worry about what anyone thinks about your thoughts. But here is the thing, I do worry sometimes I try so hard to please others with this blog and I forget that this is really supposed to be for me. I try to think of topics and think of stuff that will impress or speak to everyone else and not worry about what would speak to me if I was reading. I try to become a person I am not 100 percent. The posts I post yes, are what I would say and I DO express the real me but I worry too much about followers and sponsors and my blog popularity who cares how many people read my blog it is the thought of possibly being able to really speak to even just one person and bring them closer to God that is why I blog. If I have 100 sponsors and 1000 readers but do not speak to people and express myself to anyone than whats the point? I know that when most people read your blog they like hearing the voices of you not another blog you like, or information on someone else's giveaway or contests. While all that is kind of important posting posts with quality and witnessing for the Lord through me is truly my main goal. So thats the final thing from here on out my blog is going to be more quality posts with what is in MY mind or in MY heart not in someone else's heart and someone else's posts.
Love the real honest me,
I love blogging but don't really have a schedule to when I blog. Please comment and tell me how many days a week you think I should blog on what days and if you would rather have just spontaneous blog posts or those on some kind of routine schedule.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Just some stuff...
Hey everyone!:)
First off I found a really cool giveaway going on right now check it out
Awesome Giveaway!!!

Second of all I found a cool website where you can create a free website for any small business or any reason you might want to have a website:)
It is called
Third of all I got my first blog award!!
I want to say Thank you to Rissi from the blog Scripts Scibbles and Such
Here is the link to where I got awarded "Most Versatile Blogger"
Here are the rules:
Awards for some other blogs:
Loren at Dancing For Jesus
Trinka at Amazing Love
Alexa at Shine Your Glory Down
Lindsey at Sprinkles Of My Life
Love you all:)
First off I found a really cool giveaway going on right now check it out
Awesome Giveaway!!!

It is called
Third of all I got my first blog award!!
I want to say Thank you to Rissi from the blog Scripts Scibbles and Such
Here is the link to where I got awarded "Most Versatile Blogger"
Here are the rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you - check!
- Share 7 random things about yourself
- Nominate More Bloggers
Here are the 7 random things about me:
1. I don't like soup broth.
2. I hate wearing socks!
3. When I was 3 I bit my tongue.... almost in half and could only eat popsicles for a month. Gross though right!!?
4. I cannot play clarinet ( I was in band for a year and failed miserably)
5. About a year ago I had a pet chick but we had to give it away because we didn't have room or time to keep up with full grown chickens (they got mean!)
6. I do not enjoy watching any sports.
7. My dog is named Mickey after a 4th cousin Mickey Mantle who was a pro baseball player for the Yankees.
Awards for some other blogs:
Loren at Dancing For Jesus
Trinka at Amazing Love
Alexa at Shine Your Glory Down
Lindsey at Sprinkles Of My Life
Love you all:)
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Guespost From Lindsey Blog: Sprinkles of Life
I thought I would post about the amazon box guy today! I think he is the cutest thing, and after seeing these pictures, you will agree with me. :)
See?! Don't you love this little fella now? :)
~ ~ ~
Hey! I'm Lindsey from Sprinkles of My Life! Today, I am guestpost swapping with the darling Ashley! I'm a daughter of the King, but I'm also a...cupcake lover, passionate photographer, Disney princess fan, letter writer, and performer, who enjoys singing, blogging, sharpies, making friends, fashion, and eating skittles!<3 I'm also a 15 year old homeschooler, and the oldest of 4, with a small business making friendship bracelets & anklets {Friendship Twists: Bracelets & Anklets}. Check it out!!! :) Thanks for this opportunity, Ashley!<3 I love your blog. :)
Have a great day!
Girls Guide to Life Review
My lovely darling amazing bloggy friends,
Hey everyone:) Wow its been a while. I am so tremendously sorry if I haven't gotten back to anyones blog posts,comments,emails,guest posts, anything I missed. I have just been crazy hectic busy:( But I am back and I am trying to do more blogging:):)
Today on this lovely April Sunday I will be reviewing a book sent to me by one of my review sponsors(*THANK YOU!*) It is called The Girls Guide To Life written by the generous amazing Katie Meier.
Overall this book was very helpful and gave lots of good quality Christian information about different situations. Only thing was I am 11 and it had some mature topics in the book that didn't really relate to my life right now. But some of you it may or you might want to have information in case any of these situations do come up in your Jr. High or High School years to come. This book was separated into 3 sections (Mind,Body,and Soul) and each section had different chapters within itself.
Here were the topics discussed under each section
Self Esteem
Pressure and The Real You
Going online and the digital you (did include information about"sexting" but it was really not in depth and gave people reasons why God wouldn't want you to do that and the consequences)
Disorders and Who Can Help(great chapter with plenty of resources for everything from mild depression to eating disorders to suicidal thoughts and actions such as self harm)
New Developments
Sex and Sexuality ( really didn't give very detailed things it talked about purity, how to say NO, and harm that can come from having sex... this chapter didn't relate to me whatsoever and I didn't read all of it because I really wasn't and will not go through anything like this very soon. Im still in elementary school but seemed helpful if you were going through this)
Guys-Whats up with them?
Your Rights
Lending a Hand
Who You'll Choose To Be.
This book was a wonderful,well,written, interactive book. It was around 210 pages so its worth the money for the about of information and time it takes to read and I would definitely recommend buying it. There are links on my sidebar to purchase this book.
Overall Rating
4 stars out of 5 simply because some things didn't relate to me but that it not the authors fault whatsoever and had nothing to do with the book it was just my review and my rating.
Love you all!:)
And make sure to check out the links pertaining to this book on my sidebar.
Hey everyone:) Wow its been a while. I am so tremendously sorry if I haven't gotten back to anyones blog posts,comments,emails,guest posts, anything I missed. I have just been crazy hectic busy:( But I am back and I am trying to do more blogging:):)
Today on this lovely April Sunday I will be reviewing a book sent to me by one of my review sponsors(*THANK YOU!*) It is called The Girls Guide To Life written by the generous amazing Katie Meier.
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A Girls Guide to Life by Katie Meier (this is the cover I have on my book) |
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A different cover but the same fabulous book:) |
Here were the topics discussed under each section
Self Esteem
Pressure and The Real You
Going online and the digital you (did include information about"sexting" but it was really not in depth and gave people reasons why God wouldn't want you to do that and the consequences)
Disorders and Who Can Help(great chapter with plenty of resources for everything from mild depression to eating disorders to suicidal thoughts and actions such as self harm)
New Developments
Sex and Sexuality ( really didn't give very detailed things it talked about purity, how to say NO, and harm that can come from having sex... this chapter didn't relate to me whatsoever and I didn't read all of it because I really wasn't and will not go through anything like this very soon. Im still in elementary school but seemed helpful if you were going through this)
Guys-Whats up with them?
Your Rights
Lending a Hand
Who You'll Choose To Be.
This book was a wonderful,well,written, interactive book. It was around 210 pages so its worth the money for the about of information and time it takes to read and I would definitely recommend buying it. There are links on my sidebar to purchase this book.
Overall Rating
4 stars out of 5 simply because some things didn't relate to me but that it not the authors fault whatsoever and had nothing to do with the book it was just my review and my rating.
Love you all!:)
And make sure to check out the links pertaining to this book on my sidebar.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter! Glory to God:)
Hey everyone
First of all HAPPY EASTER!!! Jesus rose from the dead today to save our sins and rule over us in heaven. Isn't that just a glorious thing, go ahead and scream "He Has Risen!" and just give all the glory to the Lord on this brilliant day
Secondly, I want to do a giveaway soon. So far I am sponsored by the hairbow company and emma margret has promised to sponsor me for my 20th follower giveaway:) Please follow me and get friends and anyone you know who would like this blog to follow me as well so I can get to my 20 followers and have a giveaway! Also if you are my 20th follower you get an extra entry in the giveaway:) Theres some cute stuff just waiting for a giveaway so please help get me some followers. Anyone who does a promotion post about my blog will also get an extra giveaway entry.Thanks for all your support.
Secondly, I want to do a giveaway soon. So far I am sponsored by the hairbow company and emma margret has promised to sponsor me for my 20th follower giveaway:) Please follow me and get friends and anyone you know who would like this blog to follow me as well so I can get to my 20 followers and have a giveaway! Also if you are my 20th follower you get an extra entry in the giveaway:) Theres some cute stuff just waiting for a giveaway so please help get me some followers. Anyone who does a promotion post about my blog will also get an extra giveaway entry.Thanks for all your support.
Also anyone who doesnt have the free app Draw Something should get it! It is such a fun game you can play with friends. My username is luv2sing333 so anyone who is just getting the app or who has it and is not playing with me just comment or email me with your username. Or start a game with me and just comment who you are so i know that i am playing with one of my lovely blog followers:)
I saw the Hunger Games movie last weekend too and it was really good. It did have some blood and mild swearing and obviously a mature topic (rated PG-13) but I love the books and the movies and think you should really see it. You dont even have to read the book before you watch the movie. If you havent read,watched, or (*gasp*) havent even heard of the Hunger Games you should totally go see the movie and read the books.
1.Tell me a story! Comment or email me a story about a time where you felt Gods love during a tough time.
2.Read Matthew 28:1-10
It talks about the resurrection of Jesus on this wonderful day!:)
It talks about the resurrection of Jesus on this wonderful day!:)
Thats all for todays post. I have had a really busy spring break so hopefully I will post more once school starts back! Love you all:):)
P.S Check out this cool contest hosted by one of my sponsors Ann Hovsepian and her wonderful book Truth& Dare
Ready for some fun and the chance to win a free devotional book for a tween girl (either for yourself or to give as a gift)? I thought so! Keep reading…
I want to give away four copies of my books, as follows:
- One grand prize winner will win a copy of Designer Genes AND a copy of Truth & Dare (plus a few more surprise goodies).
- Two second-prize winners will each win a copy of either Designer Genes or Truth & Dare.
To find out more, please go to: p=440 and read all about it there. Feel free to pass this along to anyone you think might be interested!
Thanks and have a blessed Easter weekend,
P.S Check out this cool contest hosted by one of my sponsors Ann Hovsepian and her wonderful book Truth& Dare
Ready for some fun and the chance to win a free devotional book for a tween girl (either for yourself or to give as a gift)? I thought so! Keep reading…
I want to give away four copies of my books, as follows:
- One grand prize winner will win a copy of Designer Genes AND a copy of Truth & Dare (plus a few more surprise goodies).
- Two second-prize winners will each win a copy of either Designer Genes or Truth & Dare.
To find out more, please go to:
Thanks and have a blessed Easter weekend,
(There is a whole bunch of info about the contest in the link above but basically it is a photography contest and you must include a picture of one of her books in the photo. The deadline is April 30th. But as I said go to the website and you will find a whole bunch of information.)
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Pretty picture
This is sooo pretty:) I actually took this picture hiking in the mountains in big bear last week! God is great
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Trials create endurance
I have been reading many devotionals on the same topic.... How trials in your life are placed there by God and they create endurance. Not like the running endurance but spiritual endurance! God knows everything that is going to happen before it happens and everything happens for a reason! EVERYTHING!!:) While reading devotions this passage stood out to me.
"The strong tree isnt the tree planted inside a warm,comfortable box in a climate controlled building. The strong tree is planted outside in the elements,forced to live in extreme temperatures,drought,and snow. This hardy tree digs deep into the ground to keep itself alive, always reaching for more life giving nutrients, always holding on, even against all hope. Your roots can grow strong too when you survive every season and keep on gettin those life giving elements from the Father. A small little sapling grows into an enormous tree when it hold tightly to the soil that surrounds it. You too will grow in strength when you hold tightly to the Word of God."
-quoted from God Girl Devotions by Haley DiMarco
Thats true! You need to go through hard things in life but everything will pass and you will be rewarded in heaven. So let hard things happen but always keep your faith in the Lord and create spiritual endurance.
Here is one verse that stood out about not questioning God because he knows everything will happen for a reason.
Yes God's riches are very great and his wisdom and knowledge have no end! No one can explain the things that God decides or understand his ways. As scripture says (Isaiah 40:13) Who has known the mind of the Lord or who had been able to give him advice?
Challenge: do one thing out of your comfort zone that would please the Lord and think of it as a trial that will help you become a better Christian girl. If you have been praying for more faith then this is a sign that by doing things out of your comfort zone you will be rewarded with what every Christian should want; more faith!
Love you all!
Just be you:)

"Today you are you that is truer than true there is no one alive that is youer than you"
-Dr. Suess
I love this quote! Just be yourself and do not try to please others by putting on a show. You are you so dont try to act like someone your not just talk and act and walk and do everything the way YOU would do it. Trust me if you are TRUE to yourself more people will be drawn to you.
Just be you!
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