1. Start off by complimenting the person or greeting them very friendly
2. Tell them you have to ask them a question and ask them this
Do you think you are going to heaven or hell
3. ( if they say heaven)
Point out their sins ask them if theyve lied and stole and gossiped and thought lustful thoughts and then ask them again if they think they are going to heaven or hell ( if they said hell to start out with skip to number 4)
Show them a way out tell them about Gods grace and forgiveness and how you can give your life to Jesus
5. Pray with them if they want to asking Jesus into their lives
Big tip: dont be pushy!! If you see a family trying to have a nice day or a couple on a date be very respectful of their wishes and dont bug them. That can be a big "turn off" just be friendly!
Another way to witness is just by your actions; actions do speak louder than words and when people see how happy you always are or how good your life is they will wonder why you have it so good and want to have a relationship with God too. Sending sweet texts, letters, or blog comments with verses and stuff can also show people your a Christian and if you hang out with a crowd who wants to do bad things then talk about why God wouldnt like that.
So go out this week and do some witnessing for our mighty Lord
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