Hey girls,
I had the blessing of going to the big church this Sunday and getting a great lesson I just had to share with someone and since I have yet to do a good devo in a while I though who better to share it with than my lovely blog followers; so here it goes
Our purpose in life consists of two parts: knowing God and making him known. Most of my followers have the first one down but I don't know most of you do I can do is assume. But to know God better you can read Christian books (many links on my sidebar) read your Bible (duh!) go on Christian blogs such as mine and many others (look on my Other Blogs tab for more amazing blogs to visit) pray often, go to a church, hangout with Christian people,ect. But the part most of us struggle with (INCLUDING ME) is making God known. Sometimes we don't witness because we think it's going to be embarrassing, awkward, or your shy.But, if that our sole purpose in life you can't The best way to witness is by your actions and how you live your life, then people will look at you and want what you have in your life and it shouldn't take them long to realize that thing is God.
There are 3 key words on witnessing so here's a summary on what to do
Some lack the proper information about Christ you should: TELL them
Some need a personal invatation: ASK them
Some resist in personal hesitation: PRAY for them
If someone is resistant you shouldn't pressure them or be too pushy because that could be a major turn off. Imagine that somebody that was Buddhist or another religion than you was being pushy for you to join their religion or go to their church while you are passionate about yor Christian beliefs. That would be kind of annoying huh? So what you need to do is just pray for those people. Also, going to church is amazing in your relationship with the Lord but you dont have to go to church to be a Christian and if you go to church it doesn't make you a Christian. Jesus never commanded people to go to church but he does command to church to go to the people. That means you should witness not just by bringing people to church but by witnessing through example and preaching to them yourself even. You should make the Lord known everywhere you go, don't go to school just to get a degree but go to school to witness and don't just go to work to earn money but to show others Gods love and preach to them. Because in the grand scheme of things having an education and earning money is very important but witnessing and making the Lord known is your purpose in life and all that's going to matter when this short life on Earth comes to an end and you are face to face with God. Making God known is like your mission. Soldiers in the army that are on a mission don't worry about popularity or what's cool or looking good all they worry about is completing their mission and that should be our attitude as well. And telling people about Jesus is important because if we don't tell them all the proper information they can still go to hell because everyone has evidence of creation and seeing Gods world you must know theres a creator. So we should help them know all about God so people can understand more. There are more people that we think in the world that are ready to commit to God they just don't know all the information or people that want someone to worship and call God but don't know who and what to do so if we reach out to these people we can bring them to Jesus! How wonderful is that!!And your not responsible for other peoples lives and their heart, some people just aren't ready but you can do your part by simply planting a "seed" of truth in others lives.That means you cant control others but you can help them know God but only God can make the seed "grow" . They have to make the decision to be saved by themselves. As 1st Corinthians 3:6-8 says "I planted the seed and Apollos watered it but only God is the one who makes it grow.So the one who plants is not important and the one who waters is not important.Only God who makes things grow is important.The one who plants and the one who waters have the same purpose, and each will be rewarded for their own work."You can just share the good news in little ways too like when sharing what you did over summer vacation say how blessed you were to get to do all those things, don't fall into peer pressure, say God bless you when someone sneezes or coughs,writing notes with verses on them, talking about God in group discussions, not gossiping, smiling, doing stuff for people just because, being friendly, not being exclusive, stuff like that are great subtle ways to spread the news!
So your challenge this week is to witness to one person specifically that doesn't have the proper information or personal invitation and pray for the people that are resisting and witness by example. If you can invite a family or a friend to church with you this week.
Read the verses Romans 10:14-21 for a better understanding and info straight out of the Bible about this topic.
Hope you got something from this devo

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